
Organize it, Craft Style!

Hello ,

I apologize for beeing away but I've been working on my craft crazed cubie. I'm madly working away until wee hours of the owls eye that I can't seem to have the inspiration to place everything back exactly where it belongs. Well in reality its difficult to organize when your space is limited, but I will get back to you on my attempt and success. Yay! sucess should be evident soon. waha ha ha ha! Sorry keeping awake keeping awake. yay expresso! Did U mention that I was MaD! ha ha ha.

Well my craft "room" has a few challenges that will need to be tamed but we shall do it. Me my madnesss and I shall make this all work. Here is a runoff of what the challenge this will be.

Here are a few pictures of my work space before and a few after shots soon to be updated
when the work is completed.

My Craft room is my sons Nurser room. Hes a doll to allow me to claim his room I mean share his space. My toddler designated me a wall space of 9 feet. Well in reality it is 4'-9" (' = feet , " = inches). Theres a pesky 4'-4" window interrupting my leased space. Maybe I should of tooken the window into account when we were making our gumball and blow pop lease arrangement. Oh Well, what can I say hes a smart cookie.

Well so far the challenges are

1) limited space
2) my son loves stickers and paper and tools and everything
safe storage is a must
3) must match the safari theme of room or camouflouge in it.

4) must organize and store for easy access

a)paper b)sticker c)cloth & materials
d)printer and crafting & sewing machines
e)Architectural layout desk of 36" x 42"
f)stamp storage
g)tons of much more

Well "isn't that a kick in the head" ( I simply love Sinatra). Well I will report back to you soon. For the meanwhile let me know what works best for you and your crafty room.

Im off to see the wizard but If you all have a few ideas please feel free to share.

Oh yes, before I begin my journey I would like to share an organization tip that I have found to be very usefull to minimize the amount of ribbon spool clutter.

Its time consuming but my daughter loves helping with the winding. Its surprising how much space you save in using this system. Purchase a tackle box from your local Walmart, or pigglywiggly (i love that word, It makes me giggle). A tackle box can be found in the fishing section. To save a little of your money fund reuse cereal boxes and or use chipboard. Cut the chipboard/cereal box into 2" by 3" rectangles (or as needed) to fit the spaces in your tackle box. With your 2" circle craft punch punch out a half circle on both longer sides of the rectagle. Be careful not to punch this half circles too close to eachother. The board will look like a capital i like this one > I. You then begin winding the ribbon onto the circle punched sides of the card. When done winding the ribbon place a push pin on the end of the ribbon to secure it in place. Sergical tape can be used to hold the ribbon down as well but I find that this tape leaves sticky residue but the tape can be reused as long as it maintains its stickyness. I had a large Postal box full of ribbon odds and ends and they magically were reduced to half of that. Wow simply awesome! Give it a try you will love it. Oh yes then place each finished ribbon mini spool into the spaces of the tackle box and "snap, the jobs a game".

This wasn't my idea but I don't recall what window I peeked through to find it but Do share your great ideas I look forward to hearing your great advice.

Tata for now, Until the moon shines new rays of reflective lights on my zaney cubie.
Signing off on yet another crafty day!



Devyn Larson

May you have a delightful warm day on this greatly inspiring fall day from all of us here on EtsyGreetings. Well, as wonderful as friday is, here on EtsyGreetings they are twice as awesome. Why? Well because here at Etsy greetings we show love to our great team members as we get the opportunity to peer into our very own team member's shops. Now that you have been introduced to our Feature friday blog get ready to warm your hearts with gitty as magic pencils inspire the workings of this A+ artist. It is my pleasure to share with you the delightful shop of:

All I have to say is......

Ok, I lied I have more to say than wow.
but a few words from our Artist herself.
Tell us a little something about yourself. Where you from what you do and what you love.....
I am a ..... Doodling Addict & proud to be from the beautiful Pacific NW!

I have two little ones running around which are a constant source of giggles, glee and inspiration. (Convo me about Aly's "Slug Crusade" if you want a good laugh.) My Hubby, dog and garden are my other loves.

I design decorate in Portland, Oregan where I am a teacher by trade and adore it! My focus at the present is raising my girls and being a Mom. I still teach 1 1/2 days a week Computers & Technology at an amazing elementary school just down the street. Got to help put gas in the ol' Subaru.

Your color palette is cheerful and captivating for both the young and the young at heart.
You have a natural nat for the daydreamers and a great eye for artistic imagination
not to mention an awesome illustrator.

Your card creations are simply the eyes into a great picture book very well illustrated with
imaginative lines and dreamy colors.

How did your creative artistry come about?

well I... Started making cards to (as my Hubby would put it) "Do something" with all the doodles I have stacking up. Doodle for me...Is an illness. I even doodle in the carpool line. I think I need help.

Artists are not easily understood thats why we share our passions,visions and stories through our creations.
Continue to create many more great designs because
here at Etsy Greetings we celebrate our artists and their
wonderful works.

All the artwork you see here has been proudly created
Best wishes for a great weekend
your friday feature blogger, Cisne
Uniquely creative
keep it real - uniquely designed - have it handcrafted
keep it - EtsyGreetings


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