
mAD TeA PArtY 2010

Through the rabbit hole little voices I do hear.
My heart flutters as the time dearly draws near.

A checklist found drowned ink with catastrophe of all preperations
to host all those dear to me
Oh gooodness who are those voises my rabbit dear?

Peer into the hole rabbit and see what you see
Rabbit ~Simply the trolls drawing near.

Those corky old things 2 inches yay and they stomp

with excitement as they have patiently awaited this day.

But wait something else draws near

I Sees that you all have stumbbled into my whymsical decree of tea time proportions and fancyful tea. Yes, my dear I said tea. The light must have drawn you all throught the rabbit hole and curiousity has brought you to me

The table and the napkins seem to have all met.

Your setings are placed but there simply is no place

you see the crompets ran off to the door and the table legs

snatched them whole. It shrunk to the knees and please please you

simply must see we are all Mad here and we love you to be.

My manners seem to have run to the door without the crumpets.

Delighted we are to have you, yes delighted in deed.

Welcome, that first step is a doozy.
Be kind to my tree house for it holds magical things that don't wish to become unseen. The best yet in fact is where you happen to be. The entry to teas is sitting through the light be careful as you may step onto a guest to your right. The beetles seem to take to you so watch your feet we must't make them late for thats simply uncanning in deed.

As laughter fills the room feel free to brows the folklore saloon

they seem to be missing the moon.

You see the spoon ran off with my head and the cow jumped course to the moon.

Help them see as the are missing

their hen seems she has found a todo and ran out of the pen.

To kansas they have fled and there you simply are reading...

Oh dear oh my just look at the time.

The queen is on her page and ram is his name.

Through the rabbit hole you must go until the day you visit once more.

Visit us soon as many of the folk tale, Alice, Hatter items peer their presence to the Cubie corner at http://www.cisnexpresions.etsy.com/


Brook said...

How magical! Thank you for the delightful fun!

Deborah said...

Awe, such sweet little ones! Oh my, that first step IS a doozy! **blows kisses** Deb

Waterrose said...

Such a lovely tea party...thank you for sharing tea with me!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Such an atmospheric tea party! Thank you for inviting me. If you have not yet done so, I'd be honored to have you sit a spell with me ~ for tea...http://faeriemooncreations.blogspot.com/2010/06/its-mad-tea-party.html
Sincerely, Theresa (aka The White Queen)

Chris said...

Happy Tea Party to you and you and you!

Great story and pictures

Sylvia Smiser said...

Thank you for having me on your mad tea party adventure! I had great fun! Please stop by my tea party for a spot of tea should you have a spare moment!
Hope to see you there!

Linda said...

Oh my....what a woundrous tea party. Loved the Tea and goodies. You did an amazing job. Loved being there. I Would like to invite you to mine

Michelle said...

What a lovely tea party and story! Thanks for inviting me!

Scrap Vamp said...

Thank you for the tea! Loved your photos!

Lauren said...

What a lovely tea party, thank you so much for having me over!! :) ~Lauren

Christina Silverio said...

Such a lovely party! Thank you for having me!
Please visit my own little party, and try your hand at winning my giveaway!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Such lovely children and a sweet tea! Thank you for having me, and I hope you'll visit me for tea and cake. Only, please don't eat the Red Queen's cookies. You KNOW how she is! ;-)


Sheila :-)

julietk said...

So many parties I am working my way through the list when I have time to browse :-) You are invited to tea and to join my giveaway,every day is an unbirthday, there is still time :-) Thank you for the Tea.


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