
Etsy Greetings Card swap - 2011

A great selection of cards was heading my way. With heartfelt excitement I patiently awaited by the mail box.. OK maybe not by the mailbox but by the door for my husband to walk in valiantly with my ecologically-intelligent designed postal box that read priority mail. The silence broke with the turning of the key and there it was peering through the door. Mr.Priority and the bubble wrapped card swap goodness warmly tucked
inside. Treasures of my fellow Etsy Greetings team mates, I was all smiles.The package in slow motion was strategically ripped open at the seams and there they were my long awaited cards.

A lovely bunch wouldn't you say? A true delight.

Well worth the wait.

I hope you (EtsyGreetings team mates) enjoy them as much as I will. A special thank you for all the hard work of set up and preparation and shipping of Mr.Priority for our card swap event goes to Susan of Killamcreative.blogspot.com. And a special thank you to all who have most graciously participated.   

May you have a fantastic day! Cisne

1 comment:

ejorpin said...

What a gorgeous collection! I hope we get to do another team swap next year :)


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