
Great Strides Support

It has been a heartfelt month here in my Cubie Corner. April showered us with wonderful diamonds. April has now opened up an even greater opportunity to make a difference in the life of many.

Here is how I got involved?

At noon on friday April 16th, 2010 we will be introducing a special greeting card in honor of Dante. (Available at http://www.cisnexpressions.etsy.com/.) His grandmother Gina Ferrazano has been a very caring and nurturing grandmother in the fight to save his life. You see Dante is a bright eyed handsome 10 year old young man that struggles with Cystic Fibrosis. His grandmother Gina Ferrazano has been nothing but a remarkable support and on May 8th she will be walking in the GREAT STRIDES walk at the Williams Roger park NY allong with many more wonderful people coming together to raise awareness and much needed funds to help children like her grandson Dante to have a fighting chance. In an effort to raise funds to support the Ferrazzano family we will be donating our sale proceeds on all greeting card sales purchased beginning April 16th thru May 6th, 2010. Help to sponsor Gina to meet her goal. I ask that you look into your hearts and reach out for a wothy cause.
If you would like to make a direct donation and help sponsor Gina Ferrazzano please by all means do so by visiting www.cff.org/great_strides/dsp_donationpage.cfm?iduser=83493&walkid=6332

Supporting the Cystic Fibrosis foundation, a breath of life means another day to move forward. Please help support their every breath as they continue to move forward in all their efforts.

Here is your personal invitation directly from the Ferrazzano Family.

Hello dear friend,

We extend to you a special invitation to help support Gina Ferrazzano For GREAT STRIDES.

GREAT STRIDES is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's largest and most successful national fund-raising event. This year, I'm walking in the GREAT STRIDES walk at the Roger Williams Park on May 08,2010. The reason why I started walking is because my grandson Dante has C.F. When he first started showing signs of this desease, he was only a couple of months old, at first doctor's thought he had asthma. After repeated hopitilized episodes, his mom and dad decided to have him checked out further by Specialists at the Children's Hospital in Mass. It is there that we found out the cause of dante's problems. He was just four years old. Dante will be eleven yrs. old in May. He is a bright, and energetic young man. Although his daily treatments consist of taking enzymes before each meal, taking and acid reflux preventive medicine twice daily, and wearing a vibrating vest for 30 minutes per day that helps to keep the mucus from sticking to his lungs, which helps him to breath easier, he also under goes procedures which require hospital stays, these procedures are performed surgically to remove excess mucus from his lungs, an pallops from his sinus cavity. With all of this in his life, Dante is a very well rounded, and happy young man. We would like to keep it that way. Dante's parents, and all the people that love him, want to see him grow up to be a fine young man with a great future. Please help me meet my fund-raising goal of $2000.00 by sponsoring me. Your generous gift will be used efficiently and effectively, as nearly 90 cents of every dollar of revenue raised is available for investment in vital CF programs to support research, care and education.
Making a donation is easy and secure! Just click the "Click to Donate" button on this page to go to make a donation that will be credited to my team. Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated!

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a devastating genetic disease that affects tens of thousands of children and young adults in the United States. Research and care supported by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation is making a huge difference in extending the quality of life for those with CF. However, we continue to lose precious lives to CF every day. That's why your help is needed now more than ever to ensure that a cure is found sooner - rather than later. To learn more about CF and the CF Foundation, visit www.cff.org.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those with CF! Thank you for supporting the mission of the CF Foundation and GREAT STRIDES!

Thank you and may God bless you,

Gina Ferrazzano

View My Personal Invitation!

Visit the CF Foundation Web Site

If you encounter a problem with a link, please visit my GREAT STRIDES Home Page at http://www.cff.org/Great_Strides/GinaFerrazzano! NOTE: If link looks broken, cut and paste ENTIRE link into address bar. If you are presented with a "Find A Walker" page, enter my first and last name and click on "Find Walker." Then click "View Walker" by my name in the results list to go to "My GREAT STRIDES Home Page."

Thank you,
Gina Ferrazzano


April showers - Diamonds


As I look around in a room of great artistry I found myself inspired by my fellow Etsy Greetings family to share my views of their remarkable work.. and so the story begins with..

Humble Beginnings

A diamond (to many) is an object of splendor, an object of affection, a sign of power and protection, a symbol of innocence and so much more. It is a precious gemstone that comes in beautiful array of colors and sizes and one of the most valued. They are wonderful pieces of coal. Coal ??! Yes, coal.In fact diamonds truly originate from coal. Coals convert into a diamond quite remarkably. A lump of coal must process into its purest form called graphite. Graphite in turn transforms into diamonds, Simple enough? Well the process is anything but simple yet extraordinary. It is a process that takes years with processes of temperatures over 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit and pressures that are almost 50 times higher than that of the earth’s surface. How unbelievable to know that something as ugly as coal can be transformed into something as beautiful as diamonds. Now that you know this, Do you value diamonds differently? We can’t help to be mesmerized at how extraordinary this precious art form really is.

Lump of Coal

Diamonds” are a rare commodity and are found in the most unexpected places. ttp://www.forthetiny.etsy.com/ therefore artisans see with their imaginations and “process” the film reels of their creativity into extraordinary works of art.


Although artist works differ from a diamond they too begin just as another lump of coal. For a greeting card artist this lump of coal is a blank, usually, card stock canvas. Therefore, upon a http://www.forthetiny.etsy.com/ blank canvas the process begins. Before an artist starts to work they need the basic tools for their craft. The most important besides the basic card stocks and adhesives is inspiration. Ask any artist and they will agree that there’s no art without inspiration. For artist, Sharon @ www.cardmaven.etsy.com her inspiration lies in;” the paper I choose, OR the card which I’m requested to do. My mode of operation is to make a lot of blanks with scrapbook paper and then let inspiration take over"

The inspiration question has always been a difficult one for any artisan to answer. We thank you for the attempt Sharon. Inspiration is difficult to be put in words therefore we share it through our art.For beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder and inspiration is the emotion that gleams from the appreciation we feel for what we see.




Anything but simple

The process to create great greeting cards is similar to the process of a diamond, anything but simple.
“With me, it is a building process. I just keep trying and adding and when I think enough is enough, I add inside words, glitter, if needed, and call it done. (As I sell $2 cards, I do not feel I need to over-embellish them. Simple and basic is where I'm at”, Sharon @
Well Sharon makes it sounds simple. Ha Ha Ha. Let me rephrase. The creation process is a special process. A greeting card consists of technique, color, great wording, great paper mediums and the perfect font amongst other important details.

“When creating a card, I take several things into consideration.First, What inspires me at the time? Sometimes it's the season, sometimes it's architecture, sometimes it's a mood I'm feeling. Then I really try to make something that will not only let MY personality shine through as the designer, but that will help the sender's personality shine through as well. Sometimes that means incorporating a bit of humor, sometimes love, sometimes just a little generosity. ‘In these fast passed high-tech times’ taking the time to even send a handwritten card is very generous.” Amanda www.etsy.com/shop/DawnCorrespondence

"I love to take photos of nature.I then take my time and it a card comes into my mind to match the photo.Other times I have a thought about a card I want to send myself.I then look for a scene to photograph that will fit the thought.I guess there is not just one inspiration." www.shopforthetiny.etsy.com



The Diamond touch

After drawing blanks, a couple drafts, card stock, embellishments, and loads of adhesives (glue) inspiration strikes again. Inspiration comes over and every element works together just like Mickey in Fantasia, then in the words of famous chef, Elm (from Elm’s kitchen) BAM, Diamonds!
I really enjoy finishing a creation and feeling like it is something really different from the other cards available - as far as design, occasion, and text. It’s refreshing when I have a viewer or customer say,
"Wow, I would have never thought of that!" That really makes me feel good about what I am doing.




The true value is the emotional exchange and the twinkle in our customer’s eyes as they see their cards. Artist “simply” capture the moments and share them through the pupils of our creativity. It is in many ways rewarding to any artist.

Ultimately as artists we can all agree with the statement
“My diamonds are {our} happy customers!”

Sharon @ www.cardmaven.etsy.com

The ideas and information expressed on this article are simply my personal views and expressions and of those who happily shared their views. Thank you to all for your wonderful art works and for letting me pick your brains.

Signing off on yet another Cubie Corner day
Cisne Expressions



Memory lane

Hello Everyone,

Needless to say Im feeling a little sad. My best friends went crazy and got married these past years. I'm really happy for them, but many have moved so far away. Packing the kitchen sink and moved to be with their prince charmings in other states. As time passes I can't help but miss my dear friends. Reminicing over pictures of the "Gals" as we used to crash the clubs heating up the nite life. Well I can surely say that many good things came out of this road down memory lane.

It has sparked a stream of flashbacks that inspired some great ideas for my friendship line of products and a poem inspired by the moments of life that stream us by and leave a heartflet memory.

Still life pictures dare hang in a life line of memories

there stands the portrait of my beauty pink ladies

Stilletos of blue, lips of scarlett red

girls on the prawl lucky men beware

the girls hit the town

no target amiss just to later laugh and life reminis

a surpluss of laughter embossed in my head

burning rubber on the pavement

as our lives reach full speed

life, love and child bearing memories

Life has clipped our outings

but we remain fancy free

forever inspiring each other

beeing the hanky in time of need

Cheers to my gals, shoes on the wire

Leaving inpiration of pink sparks to admire

Signing off until the sun shines
on yet another Cubie Corner day


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