
Friday Feature

Charm your greetings no matter the season with non other than the charming works of Kat and drew cards located at www.katndrewcards.etsy.com. Kat n drew cards is one of our very own Etsy greetings artisans that make gift giving extraordinarily simple. Wow, a card and a gift enclosed in one, who would of thunk it? Why Kat and Drew cards of course. Today they treat us with a gracious hello and some great words of wisdom. Ladies and gentleman here is the dynamic crew of

Kat n Drew Cards



We are Kat and Drew.....

....the duo that makes cards and jewelry, pairing them uniquely together to create gift cards all in one. Staying true to our items, we are about giving more than cards, spreading inspiration and support with every vantage we can muster including supporting charities, featuring artists work and buying local from starting artists (when we can)!
I'm drew and together with Kat, we make cards. More than making cards, we write stories with everything we make. It has certainly been a journey coming to know how our creativity would take form but we're starting to figure it out. We're located all over Canada, really, because we shift and move whereever we feel like at the time but our home base is always Vineland, Ontario and its there that we've really blossomed our creativity. Kat takes on the cards, mostly, and I take on the words, mostly, but we are so involved in one another's creativity, sharing ideas and opinions, that we basically make everything together.
I, Drew, move back and forth from Vancouver, BC to Ontario depending on when school is on while Kat holds down the fort in Ontario. Tea breaks are a MUST around here as well as a break time outside to recharge.

The first item that started us off....

..... was a card from our "4YR Classic Cards" line. It incorporates a scrapbooking design, beaded jewelry and poetic writing all in one. The card was for Friendship, I believe, and was what started us working together from day one!

My technique includes a tea, most days...

I can't really write the most inspirational stuff every second of the day so music and movies usually provoke the good stuff. As for Kat, the morning is her greatest tool - she can do ANYTHING in the morning. Not to say the afternoon isn't productive but some of her most creative cards have come at the beginning of the day. I'd say the cuttlebug embosser is pretty high up there too. They just make such great impressions. However, usually a need drives the creation of cards. If we feel we cannot provide a card for a certain emotion or give support for a situation, we are on it to make sure we can help give you something - its all about giving and we try to follow that as much as possible

Love it, love it, love it ...

These small cards from our "4YR Cute Cards" collection are my favourite right now. They support our HEART2HEART campaign which showcases local and international artists and entrepreneurs with a portion of the profits - plus they're super cute.


We dream ....

Big, Really big. Martha Stewart, Oprah, Hallmark, big. Not to say we want to be any of these specifically but there is definitely something to basing your business around giving and creativity and the more people we can share that with, the better. If we can create and share with everyone we'd be just peachy.

You can find us ...

Everywhere, I believe. Multiple shops and sites as well as social networking sites. Have a look and say hey! We like to chat.

Become a fan
Facebook search 'Kat n' Drew Cards'


Words of Wisdom

Anything we create is sort of an advertisement for the masterpiece we are as individuals. We are all masterpieces because at the beginning of the day and at the end of the day, there is always, only, you. so why not believe in yourself.

Thank you to all of you! and to Rocio for featuring us.
Giving only spurs more giving and that is the goal here.

Oh no no my dears, thank you for the opportunity to share your talents with all

our fabulous readers oh yes and not to mention the world. Let me be the first to say congratulations on beeing featured. - Cisne

This friday feature has been inspired by: http://www.katndrewcards.etsy.com/

shared with you by: http://www.cisnexpressions.etsy.com/

Keep it fabulous .. keep it crafty.. Etsy Greetings

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